Communicating Your Science*
Date/Time: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM
Track: Professional Development
Room: Salons A-B (5th Floor)
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Chair: Kelly Sloane, MD
Co-Chair: Romergryko Geocadin, MD, FANA
This is an interactive workshop focused on tools for communicating your science to non-scientists. Being able to effectively and concisely describe your science to a non-scientist (e.g. philanthropists, journalists) is an essential part of advancing your career and your research. We will hear from speakers with expertise in public speaking to non-scientists and in social media communication. In this session, you will also be encouraged to interact with your colleagues and practice with your own research.
Learning Objectives:
- To learn about approaches to communicating about your research or clinical interests with non-scientific or clinical audiences in an oral presentation.
- To learn about approaches to communicating about your research or clinical interests with non-scientific or clinical audiences through social media.
- To gain hands-on practice with developing a brief summary to explain verbally your science to a non-scientists/clinicians.
- To gain hands-on practice with developing a brief summary to explain your science to a non-scientists/clinicians over social media.
How to Present Your Science to a Non-Scientist
Speaker: Kelly Sloane, MD
How to Present Your Science to a Non-Scientist
Speaker: S. Andrew Josephson MD, FANA
Do you have a scientific discovery that you would love to share with the world? When you describe it at lab meeting or present at a scientific conference, the audience is amazed, but how do you communicate this discovery to a non-scientist audience? Whether being interviewed for a newspaper about your recent publication, speaking to a potential donor to support your research, or making small talk with your next-door neighbor, you may find it difficult to describe your complex work into language that is understandable and compelling. In this session, we will review tips and tools for explaining your research to a non-scientist and then we will work with real world examples. Participants should have an article/poster/podium presentation that they would like to practice communicating. In small groups, we will work together to help you craft the story of your science that is understandable to the public. You will also provide constructive feedback to your peers to learn together.
Beyond the Traditional Medium: Communicating Your Science through Social Media
Speaker: Stephan Mayer, MD, FCCM, FNCS
Scientists traditionally communicate via the written word -- but the way the written word is constructed is changing fast, and video blasts and podcasts are coming next. Communication of research still does, and always should, remain within the realm of traditional-peer reviewed scientific journals. Getting noticed – that is a different thing all together. Social media (SOME) has increasing played an important role in medical communication and education, particularly among younger generations of physicians and researchers. In this talk I will outline the landscape of FOAM (free open access medicine, and the pioneering role of emergency medicine and the COVID pandemic in leveraging social media as a valid (and extremely timely) means of important medical communication. I will give advice how to use existing SOME platforms at your disposal to facilitate knowledge transfer, and how to build your own identity as a scientific influencer.