Sophie N M Binks, BMBS, MRCP, PhD

University of Oxford

Dr Binks is a Clinical Lecturer in Neurology and Honorary Registrar in Oxford and holds a PhD from the University of Oxford in autoimmune neurology. Dr Binks works within the Oxford Autoimmune Neurology Group and focuses on clinical and genetic aspects of autoimmune encephalitis. Her key publications include human leucocyte antigen (HLA) associations of LGI1- and CASPR2-antibody encephalitis and a multimodal map of long-term functional impacts in LGI1-antibody encephalitis. Prior to her current role, she graduated with distinction and first in her cohort from Brighton and Sussex Medical School (2013), and completed initial medical training in Brighton and Oxford.


NOTE: If no session is listed above, this individual is a Chair or Co-chair of a session(s). Please see the individual session listings found in the Program for a full list of session participants.